U2: 'Bono's back injury could have been permanent'

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The Edge speaks about frontman's back troubles


U2's The Edge has said that frontman Bono's recent back injury could have resulted in permanent damage if it had not been treated when it was.

On May 21 the singer underwent back surgery in Munich, canceling 16 US shows and their Glastonbury headline slot - with Gorillaz now stepping in to take their place on June 25.

Speaking in a video message on the band's website, U2.com, the guitarist said it was a good thing that his bandmate saw a doctor in time.

"He [Bono] was clearly in shock about the implications of the injury," The Edge explained. "We talked about what this meant and we're dealing with it now."

He added: "Maybe he just overdid it and hurt himself. Luckily enough he did realise at a certain point, I think when he could no longer walk, that he needed to go to the doctor. Had he not done anything about it, it could have been serious and possibly permanent."

He went on to joke: "This is probably the most rest he'll have had in decades. Knowing him again he'll want to take some shortcuts and get ahead of himself. But, really, from what I understand it's important he does this in a methodical way.

"This is not a cancellation of the [US] tour, it's a postponement. We'll be back and it'll be bigger and better than ever. I'm already back at work on songwriting and working on stuff for the next U2 record. We are intending to play some new songs live [later in the year]."

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