February 2010 Archives

Dinner diva Bono

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Bono insisted on specially-prepared food when dining out recently, it has been claimed.

The U2 frontman amazed fellow diners at New York eatery Butter on Tuesday (23.02.10) when he made a string of requests to restaurant staff - and then made sure they were carried out.

A source said: "He demanded that his salad be chopped. And he made sure it was when it arrived."

The 'One' singer - who was eating with his bandmate The Edge - sent staff into a panic when he asked for a specific type of bottled water not stocked by the eatery.

Running to Stand Still.............A REMAKE???

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This is Elbow a band from Manchester, United kingdom....

They made this for a Cd in January of 2009 where artists picked there biggest heros who they think made a difference in war...... ELBOW chose U2......


By Jennifer Steinhauer, The New York Times

MALIBU, Calif. -- The house that the U2 guitarist longs to build here would have a copper roof, fashioned to resemble fluttering leaves. Boulders that dot the property would be left in place and assigned charming names like Dinosaur Vertebrae and Cistern. The dirt dug up to build would be reused, when possible.

Yes there would be a pool, but its central purpose would be to ward off fire should the local native plants not do the job. And every imaginable green building technique would be used.

But all of this does not mollify those who police the mountainside along one of the most gorgeous stretches of American coastline, where public access versus exclusive seclusion is an ever-raging debate that even a member of the most vocally earth-hugging rock band on the planet cannot escape.

New U2 Album Expected In June

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by Paul Cashmere, Undercover.com.au

Bono is saying the next U2 album will be called `Songs of Ascent'. He should know.

In an interview with Sean O'Hagan, Bono called 'Songs of Ascent' the sister album to 'No Line Of The Horizon', similar to how 'Zooropa' and 'Achtung Baby' were bookends.

Atu2.com says the album is expected to be produced by Brian Eno and Daniel Lanois once again, with additional work by Steve Lillywhite.

Some of the songs are expected to be the leftover tracks from 'No Line On The Horizon', but some are older.

Songs expected to be used include 'North Star', an unused track from 'How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb'.

U2's Larry Mullen Jr. will lend his voice to a pair of characters in the upcoming season of the Family Guy spin-off The Cleveland Show. According to the BBC, Mullen Jr. reached out to producers about guest voicing on the show's second season, and producers were only too happy to oblige. The drummer will voice two characters: a mobster and a bad Elvis impersonator.

Springfield Rocks: check out photos of music's biggest stars on The Simpsons.

"He came in and we hung out for a couple of hours. We just recorded him doing a couple of different parts and he was very funny," Mike Henry, who voices Cleveland, told the BBC. "It's a thrill for me to do all this. U2 is my favorite band of all time and David Lynch the film director plays a part on our show." (In other Cleveland Show news, David Lynch will also guest voice!) As for recording Mullen Jr.'s part, Henry said, "He's got his own studio so we just record it from Dublin. You don't have to record at a certain time. It's an easy gig and one that people like to do. It's very cool to have all these people from different walks of entertainment participating in what we're doing."

Brian Johnson Hits a Low Note

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James Boyce, The Huffington Post

AC/DC's lead singer Brian Johnson gave an interview in Australia where he stood up and criticized both Sir Bob Geldof and Bono for the unforgivable sin of trying to make the world a better place and for helping those less fortunate than themselves. Or Brian, for that matter.

Certainly, Brian has a right to make his opinion, however, moronic it may be.

Any grown man willing to share a stage with a man in his 60s dressed as a school boy has more courage than most. Any man who, at the age of 62, can still claim to being knocked out by American thighs might also be worthy of respect on some levels.

However, when it comes to criticizing celebrities who stand up for causes and charities and especially when it comes to criticizing Geldof and Bono, Brian Johnson proves to be as ignorant as those music critics who don't recognize "Back In The Black" as a truly great song.

First, let's look at what Brian Johnson actually said:

Quick news for special CD 'ARTIFICIAL HORIZON'

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Announcing 'ARTIFICIAL HORIZON' - a limited-edition album of U2 remixes, produced for U2.com subscribers.

If you thought the U2360° remix of I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight was going to bring the house down, wait till you hear other exclusive, and previously un released songs on this album including the Grand Jury Mix of If God Will Send his Angels, Trent Reznor's version of Vertigo, Jacknife Lee's remake of Fast Cars or David Holmes's remix of Beautiful Day.

This is one special collection. Take a listen to 2 full tracks on the homepage, and three clips of what to expect here. Get your subscription, your copy of 'Artificial Horizon' and other u2.com benefits here

The Huffington Post

AC/DC frontman Brian Johnson is taking on Bono and Bob Geldof for their public displays of charity work.

"When I was a working man I didn't want to go to a concert for some bastard to talk down to me that I should be thinking of some kid in Africa," he told Melbourne's Herald Sun. "I'm sorry mate, do it yourself, spend some of your own money and get it done. It just makes me angry. I become all tyrannical."

Johnson said that his own band prefers to make their charitable contributions in private.

"Do a charity gig, fair enough, but not on worldwide television," he said.

No Grammy for U2

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For the first time in a decade, U2 failed to win a Grammy. What went wrong? Let's face it, NLOTH was not U2's greatest moment. I confess that I hardly ever listen to it because it...hurts. Yes, Bono's lyrics are still searching for the answer to the ultimate meaning of it all. But, in the past his lyrics have had a sense of hope and the music would carry you along to a higher plane. I think the lyrics and the music lack the ethereal quality of their previous albums. When I first heard the album, my first thought was that Bono needs Prozac. The songs Unknown Caller and Fez come across as self indulgent poetry. Now that I have pissed you off, dear readers, we will move on to my opinion about the rest of the Grammys.

Brian Eno won an award for his collaboration with David Byrne. They won in the category of "recording package." I'm not sure what that is, but kudoz to them.

U2 lost big time to Green Day. I was really looking forward to their performance, but instead I got a glee club performance. Green Day on Broadway? I thought they were way too cool for such a thing! Speaking of Broadway, will Spiderman ever see the light of day?

I was disappointed with the Michael Jackson tribute. I think it could have been so much more--longer for one. I was expecting hip hop and rocks brightest performing Jackson's greatest hits-not Celine Dion and Carrie Underwood. Slash was in the house so why not let him rock out to Thriller or Beat It?

I now understand Lady Gaga. She is the love child of Ziggy Stardust and Elton John. Yes, I realize that both Bowie and John are male, just go with it.

So that you don't think I am a total arse, I enjoyed Pink's trapeze performance. It was graceful and elegant.

Finally, Dave Mathews (I am a fan) demonstrated that his dancing is worse than all of the members of U2 put together. What started out as a nice love song quickly turned into a hoe down.

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