May 2019 Archives


The shows will mark U2's first shows in Australia in nine years and their first ever gigs in Singapore and South Korea

by Andy Greene, Rolling Stone

U2's Joshua Tree Tour - which celebrated the 30th anniversary of the landmark album in stadiums across Europe and North and South America in 2017 - is headed to Australia and Asia in November and December for an encore run. The shows will mark their first concerts in Australia since 2010 and their first appearances ever in Singapore and South Korea.

"It's only taken me 30 years to learn how to sing these songs and it's great to be able to say that I've finally caught up with the band," Bono said in a statement. "Our audience has given the Joshua Tree a whole new life on this tour. Doing these shows has been very special for us, a lot of emotion... From the despair of how relevant some of the dark songs still are, to the joy, pure fun of the staging... it's quite a ride. And now we get to do it all over again. Auckland, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Sydney, Tokyo, Singapore, Seoul... We're coming for you."

Earlier last week, U2's The Edge was invited to share his thoughts on preventive medicine on a panel called "Food as Medicine" at the Milken Global Conference in Beverley Hills, California. Along with Dr. William Li, the co-founder of the Angiogenesis Foundation and author of "Eat to Beat Disease", both men talked about healing people with cancer using the Angiogenesis diet of starving the disease's blood supply by eating certain plant-based foods.

Over a decade ago, The Edge's daughter was a Leukemia cancer survivor, and since 2007 he has been on the Angiogenesis Foundation's board of directors.

The Edge was also interviewed by CNBC's Brian Sullivan about the importance of how a balance of food can help in fighting disease (as well as the future of streaming music). Watch the video below:

The Edge - Lead U2 Guitarist on the role food can play in fighting disease as well as his take on the state of the music industry from CNBC.

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