October 2012 Archives


By Wendy Geller, Stop The Presses!

U2 frontman Bono may be one of the world's highest-profile musicians, but you wouldn't know it from the low profile his family tends to take. Case in point: The rocker's 21-year-old daughter, Eve Hewson, who's been building an acting career in an understated, non-splashy fashion. Not too many people are familiar with Hewson's stunning looks--have you seen her before?

The beautiful blue-eyed brunette--the second-oldest of Bono and wife Ali Hewson's four children--stunned onlookers in New York at a screening of her new film, This Must Be The Place, which co-stars Sean Penn and Frances McDormand.

The movie competed at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival and will go into limited release domestically on November 2. Hewson plays the teenaged Mary, a friend to Penn's portrayal of an aging Dublin rock star seeking revenge for his father's torment at the hands of a Nazi guard.


Ciara O'Brien, Irish Times

SOME OF the world's top technology entrepreneurs mixed with well-known names in Dublin's Mansion House yesterday as the F.ounders conference began.

Bono addressed the gathering as the co-founder of charity One International, an organisation that fights extreme poverty and preventable disease. He compared aid for struggling economies to start-up funding, and said One wants to be the NRA [National Rifle Assocation] of the world's poor. "It's much feared but well organised," he said.

Bono appeared on stage with One executive director Jamie Drummond to discuss the campaign and how technology has helped empower people. "The 21st century began last year in Tahrir Square, where the model of power over the millennia - the pyramid - was inverted. You have this incredible thing that technologists have known for years: the network effect," he said. "Received wisdom is not going over very well. Everything has changed ... The more of it that is available, the easier our job."

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