January 2011 Archives

Story by Rob Evans, SoundSpike Editor

Though U2 previously announced that the final North American stop on the huge 360 tour would take place at Heinz Field in Pittsburgh, the band has tacked one more date onto the end of its itinerary: a July 30 gig with special guests Arcade Fire at the Magnetic Music Festival in Moncton, New Brunswick.

"The Moncton show is set to be the final date of the U2 360 Tour in North America and we're really looking forward to bringing this now legendary 360 production into Atlantic Canada for the first time," U2 manager Paul McGuinness said in a statement.

Irish Central

The unmarried U2 member Adams Clayton has finally become a father.

The Sunday Independent newspaper has revealed that 50-year-old Clayton, for years the bad boy of the group, had a child with his French girlfriend last year.

He is said to be over the moon.

Clayton was the bad boy best known for his rocky relationship with supermodel Naomi Campbell.

In more recent times it was revealed that his long-time personal assistant had allegedly been ripping him off.

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