August 2012 Archives

by TripleM Sydney

U2's record label over in the UK, Mercury Records, has put the Irish supergroup in their release schedule for 2013.

Now we'll just add caution that when push comes to shove, U2 are the ones who decide when they're ready to put out a new album, not the record company, but it's looking good for next year.

The band have been working their arses off in the studio with a number of producers including Danger Mouse and Will.I.Am, resulting in material which U2 insider Gavin Friday has described as "really very, very different".

In an interview with RTE Radio One's Weekend On One program in the UK just last weekend, Gavin said: "I've heard a bit of... Danger Mouse is producing it, so it's quite different."

For any fan of U2, the new double-disc live album U22, from the record-breaking U2360° tour, is something really special. This exclusive U2 Fan Club release features 22 live tracks that were voted on by fans, all recorded during the two year, 110 show tour. What's really unusual with this release is that the tracks selected are not just the classic U2 hits you might expect but fan favorites like 'Bad', 'Ultra Violet', 'Moment of Surrender' and 'Zooropa.'

Another innovation with the release of U22 is the beautiful packaging. The 2-disc set comes in an LP-sized book of breathtaking photos from the tour, which as you probably know featured a unique looking 'Claw' stage set-up for 360° viewing. The book also comes with liner notes talking through the tracks written by bassist Adam Clayton.

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