The Edge Wins Wife & Loses Ride

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3.25.02 - ShowBiz Ireland

U2 guitarist The Edge was left red faced on Wednesday night last in Dublin after he left a fashion show he was attending with his fellow band mate Bono.

After the duo left Dublin Castle where the show was taking place The Edge walked to the band's hotel The Clarence nearby.

The Edge had parked his vintage green Mercedes outside the hotel but before he got there the local Dublin council had taken his car away as it was illegally parked.

The star did not have to wait to long to get his car back as he was spotted in it around Dublin the next day.

However, more news came out about the Edge this week. News leaked that the couple plan to marry in Ireland in June of this year (yet to be confirmed). The couple live between Morleigh's homeland of California and the couple's home in Kiliney, Dublin. They also own a home in Morocco.

Copyright © 2002 ShowBiz Ireland. All rights reserved.

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