From: "Miller, Scott"
To: "U2 Station"
Subject: RE:
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 23:39:53 -0500
I work for the NFL yes and I was doing some work in the stadium.Of course there was a buzz about when U2 would do thier soundcheck so about 2:30 I start to hear Elvation over the PA.I dropped everything and ran into the stadium.Thier guitar tech was playing Edgeitars and the stage was setup but the band was no where in sight.I asked a few questions but no one seemed to be able to help me as to when the band would play.
A few hours later around 5:30 PM I saw it.The stage was completeley setup.They even have a little heart set up in front of the stage.Not as large as the one on tour but large enough for a pit ful of people.The whole band on stage playing Beautiful day.They sang it twice took a short break and sang it again.All the while Bono is running around the heart shaped stage and also testing how far he can actually venture out I guess.There was someone walking with him right beside him during these takes.In between Bono mentioning things here and there.Than they did MLK into Streets.It all sounded amazing.The Edge looked like he was totally into it,Larry looked kind of bored but that's Larry.Mind you the whole stadium is dark Just the stage lights are on Like a concert.I have now edged my way to within 20 ft of the heart.Bono is on the 50 yard line talking to some stage crew I guess and also some NFL execs I happen recognize.I notice that Paul McGuinnes is right next to me shaking hands with some people and they were ready for the last run.
They Play a video compilition on the 2 jumbo screens on bothh ends of the Field as the intro.The stage crew bring in college students to fill the heart and pull people close to the stage so Bono can practice walking through the crowd and up on to the stage.Totally fucken cool because I'm fucken one of em.They do the Video intro Bono walks by me onto the stage they rip into Beautiful day and I have my elbows on the outer tip of the heart and Bono is standin right in front of me.I could have tripped him.They go into MLK and scroll the names of the victims of Sept 11th and then do Streets.I tell you I can go home right now fuck the Superbowl.But you know what they are playing and I am working the game so anything can happen hopefully.
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