The following BP Fallon interview is from my 1993 Zoomerang tour programme, which is big and colourful and has some very witty quotes in it. Enjoy:
BP: Who is the most inspiring person you've met on the tour so far?
Edge: Salman Rushdie
Bono: Salman Rushdie, well I think it was Salman Rushdie...
Adam: The Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy, 'cos they used to take us out and show us a good time! Seriously, their vibe is that they can take in everything, they're open to everything...
Larry: My alter ego!
BP: Are you happier than a year ago?
Edge: About the same.
BP: Why?
Edge: Because Ireland didn't win the European Cup.
Larry: No.
BP: Why?
Larry: Because Ireland didn't win the World Cup.
Bono: I don't know if my memory goes back that far.
BP: Why?
Bono: Why not.
Adam: Yeah.
BP: Why?
Adam: Zoo TV.
BP: What was your biggest extravagance last year?
Larry: ZooTV?
Adam: Going to work on a plane.
Edge: Having a rhythm section on the road.
Bono: BP Fallon.
BP: When did you last wash the dishes or hoover?
Bono: Just last night, I washed the dishes and the hoover...
Edge: Last time we played house.
Larry: I've just finished...
Adam: I'd say in the mid seventies.
BP: If there was an extra six hours per day, what would you do with it?
Larry: Sleep.
Edge: Sleep.
Bono: Charge interest.
Adam: I'd get everything done that I never get done normally, like checkin' in with people, gettin' my life together. I'd actually get my life together- I wouldn't need music!
BP: Do you believe in flying saucers?
Larry: Yes.
BP: Have you ever seen one?
Larry: No.
BP: If a Flying Saucer landed, would you climb into it?
Larry: Yes.
Edge: Like the best things, they exist in the imagination.
BP: Have you ever seen one?
Edge: Every night.
BP: If a Flying Saucer landed, would you climp into it?
Edge: No chance!
Adam: No, I believe in people.
Bono: In my kitchen they're an everyday thing.
BP: Have you ever seen one?
Bono: She's a good shot.
BP: If a Flying Saucer landed, would you climb into it?
Bono: This is all getting a bit Alice in Wonderland, isn't it Beep?
BP: Did you ever think you were going to die?
Larry: Yes, only on the back of Bono's motorbike!
Edge: Only on the back of Bono's motorbike.
Adam: Only in the back of Bono's car.
Bono: Die, no. Squashed, yes.
BP: What's your favourite method of transportation?
Adam: Escalator.
Edge: Train or fast car.
Larry: Moto-Sickle.
Bono: An angel's back. No, make that blindfolded.
BP: Are you a star?
Adam: Wishin'...
Larry: I've been called worse.
Edge: Only after dark.
Bono: No, a firework.....Well more of a banger, really.
BP: What is the most vulgar thing you own?
Larry: Julian Cope's "Peggy Suicide" and "Jehova Kill".
Edge: A Mexican sequinned whiskey bottle.
Bono: A 1973 canary yellow Ford Cortina with fake leopardskin interior complete with nodding dog and furry dice and me driving it, having to explain to people that I won it in a poker game.
Adam: A 1993 yellow suit.
BP: Who put the Ram in the Ramalama Ding Dong?
Bono: Paul McCartney.
Larry: Ya What???
Edge: I don't know but it wasn't me.
Adam: Santa Claus.
BP: Who is the one person to whom you owe the most?
Edge: My mum.
Bono: God knows the answer to that.
Larry: J.J.
Adam: The bank manager.
BP: What do you do if you have the blues?
Larry: Sing.
BP: What gives you the blues?
Larry: Singing.
Adam: If I have the blues, I get out and walk.
BP: What gives you the blues?
Adam: Lack of progress.
Edge: Nothing much. I just get on with it...
BP: What gives you the blues?
Edge: Reality and the music on video games.
Bono: Call the Band, mike them up and make a bloody fortune out of it.
BP: What gives you the blues?
Bono: Recording.
BP: From Greek Mythology- the Snake had been a woman and a man, and said women enjoyed sex more than men. Do you think that's true?
Larry: Yes.
Adam: Depends on the woman.
Edge: I think it largely depends on your partner.
Bono: What would I know- in Irish Mythology, there is no sex.
BP: Who or what is your idea of cool?
Adam: Miles Davis. He just is.
Larry: Jesus.
Edge: I don't know if cool is very cool. I think it's a bit silly.
Bono: To me, cool is about knowing who you are and liking who you are and walking without fear of who you are, with no baggage, no mask. And in that respect Quincy Jones is the coolest person I've ever met. Now where are my fly shades...?
BP: What's the most frightening thing that ever happened to you?
Edge: Breaking up with my wife.
Larry: Being born.
Adam: Bunji Jumping.
Bono: I found this pair of sunglasses, I picked them up, I put them on......
BP: Is Elvis alive or dead?
Bono: Elvis is alive, man. We're dead.
BP: Have you ever seen him?
Bono: He never called, he never wrote......
Edge: Both.
BP: Have you ever seen him?
Edge: Only on the tele.
Larry: Not sure...
BP: Have you ever seen him?
Larry: Maybe not.
Adam: Elvis is alive.
BP: Have you ever seen him?
Adam: I see him every day.
BP: Is he in the band?
Adam: He thinks he is.
BP: Do you ever have dreams?
Larry: yes.
BP: About what?
Larry: Elvis!
Adam: yes.
BP: About what?
Adam: Nice warm colourful dreams, really positive dreams that make you feel good. They're a bit like trips.
Edge: A lot.
BP: About what?
Edge: Always very weird acid trip-like journeys...lots of logic that I can figure out.
Bono: Yes.
BP: About what?
Bono: I'm chasing BP Fallon.
BP: Do you ever have nightmares?
Larry: Yes.
BP: About what?
Larry: You.
Adam: Not when I'm asleep.
Edge: Rarely.
BP: About what?
Edge: Albums and touring and guitar overdubs and...
Bono: Yes.
BP: About what?
Bono: BP Fallon running after me.
BP: What's your real-life nightmare?
Larry: Temptation.
Adam: To not remember.
Edge: Losing my mind.
Bono: Having to explain yourself.
BP: What's your real-life dream?
Larry: Giving in to temptation.
Adam: To play bass.
Edge: To fulfil my potential, creatively, spiritually and intellectually. And see my kids, my family and friends do the same.
Bono: I start a magazine that reviews the critics and you Beep! Remember, Rock'n'Roll is the sound of revenge!
BP: How many hours a week do you spend on the phone?
Adam: About four hours a day. What's that over a week?
BP: Who was the last person you called?
Adam: (Laughing, trying to decide what to say) Elaine.
Larry: I've never counted.
BP: Who was the last person you called?
Larry: The Stock Exchange.
Edge: It varies. I'd guess about three hours when I'm at home, 96 hours if I'm away. BP: Who was the last person you called?
Edge: Aislinn.
Bono: I've got to the point where at this stage my ears are allergic to the phone. Don't you hate the things you need!
BP: Who was the last person you called?
Bono: BP Fucking Fallon!
BP: What do you plan to do after the tour ends?
Edge: I have no idea, get depressed....get a life.
Larry: Sleep.
Adam: Settle down, have, I'm not going to do that! I'm going to live in New York for a bit because I think after being turned on to Zoo TV I need the same level of stimulation.
Bono: Extend the tour...reality isn't what it's cracked up to be.
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