United Colours

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United Colours Music by U2 and Brian Eno Transcribed by Brandon Leniart This is a very confusing song to play. I can't seem to put my finger on a key, but I'm pretty sure it's in standard tuning. I started the transcription with the sliding keyboard sound. On a more interesting note, the "director" of this fake film, Koybayashi, is really the vocalist on the Passengers song "Ito Okashi." 1---10\-- 2---10\-- 3---10\-- 4---12\-- 5-------- 6-------- 1-------------------------------------- 2-------------------------------------- 3---3h5---5---------3h5---5---5---3h5-- 4-------------------------------------- 5-------------------------------------- 6-------------------------------------- 1--------------------------- 2---9--9--9--9--9--9--9--9-- 3--------------------------- 4--------------------------- 5--------------------------- 6--------------------------- 1---------- 2---------- 3---------- 4---------- 5---------- 6---0---2--

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TrackBack URL: https://www.u2station.com/m-t/mt-tb.cgi/1940

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This page contains a single entry by Jonathan published on April 16, 2009 9:54 AM.

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