
October 14, 2015 - Antwerp, Belgium - Sportpaleis

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Opening Act(s): None


  1. The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone)
  2. Out of Control
  3. Vertigo - God Save the Queen
  4. I Will Follow
  5. Iris (Hold Me Close)
  6. Cedarwood Road
  7. Song for Someone
  8. Sunday Bloody Sunday
  9. Raised by Wolves
  10. Until the End of the World - Love and Peace or Else - Words
  11. Intermission
  12. Invisible
  13. Even Better Than the Real Thing
  14. Mysterious Ways - Burning Down the House
  15. Desire - Love Me Do
  16. Angel of Harlem - Into the Mystic
  17. Every Breaking Wave
  18. October
  19. Bullet the Blue Sky - Ode to Joy
  20. Zooropa
  21. Where the Streets Have No Name - California (There Is No End to Love)
  22. Pride (In the Name of Love)
  23. With or Without You
  24. Encore(s):
  25. City of Blinding Lights
  26. Beautiful Day - I Remember You
  27. Mother and Child Reunion - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For - People Have the Power


The second and final show in Antwerp, Belgium, featured the return of "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" in the encore. Bono said at one point in the show: "Wow! That's an incredible noise - we don't expect people to go so crazy on a Wednesday night, but thank you."

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This page contains a single entry by Jonathan published on October 15, 2015 5:33 AM.

October 13, 2015 - Antwerp, Belgium - Sportpaleis was the previous entry in this blog.

October 17, 2015 - Cologne, Germany - Lanxess Arena is the next entry in this blog.

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