
June 30, 1993 - Basel, Switzerland - St. Jakob's Stadion

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Opening Act(s): Velvet Underground


Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One-Unchained Melody, Until The End Of The World, New Year’s Day, Dirty Old Town, Tryin’ To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem, When Love Comes To Town, Satellite Of Love, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love). Encore(s): Desire, Ultraviolet (Light My Way), With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness, Can’t Help Falling In Love.

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1 Comment

This was my 2nd European concert (I had gone to the Lausanne show 2 days prior, but nothing exceptional happened) and it rained and poured up until Streets, almost as if Edge's infamous guitar riff had stopped it : ) I was lucky enough to be right in the front row, in front of Adam. The high point was when zoo euros were shot in the air and I was able to catch one! : ) Unfortunately the sound was pretty bad though, but being in the front row made up for it! : )

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Jonathan published on June 30, 1993 10:57 PM.

June 28, 1993 - Lausanne, Switzerland - Stade De La Pontaise was the previous entry in this blog.

July 2, 1993 - Verona, Italy - Stadio Bentegodi is the next entry in this blog.

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