
April 9, 1985 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA - Civic Arena

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11 O’Clock Tick Tock, I Will Follow, Seconds, MLK, The Unforgettable Fire, Wire, Sunday Bloody Sunday, The Cry, The Electric Co., A Sort Of Homecoming, Bad, October, New Year’s Day, Pride (In The Name Of Love). Encore(s): Party Girl, Gloria, 40.


Bono dedicates Pride to Beth Lieberman, a woman who bought tickets for the show but died in a car crash right before the concert.

Fan Review:

By Joe Matzzie

It was Beth Lieberman. She sat in front of me in a class the semester before. She had been hit by a car in the time between buying the ticket and the date of the concert. Anyway, when Bono mentioned her on stage a lot of people went crazy in the arena, and I think there were a lot of people there who knew her. I can’t believe how much that meant to hear him mention her.

This was the first concert I ever slept out for, overnight in a parking lot with a bunch of freaks, and I think it was more for the excitement of it, but I did like the few songs I had heard on the radio. I actully had no idea what U2 looked like before that concert. Since seeing them they have been my favorite band.

I remember really being struck by how much distortion the Edge was using on stage, because at that point I was playing guitar in my first band, and had always thought of distortion as a heavy metal thing. U2 was such an un-metal band, and yet he had this huge sound, and juxtaposed against their stripped down stage setup, small speakers out of the way, it was really different. Everything they did seemed like breaking rock stereotypes, even the way Bono dressed in all brown.


All photos by © Steve Kalinsky

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This page contains a single entry by Jonathan published on April 9, 1985 7:19 AM.

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April 10, 1985 - Hampton, Virginia, USA - Hampton Coliseum is the next entry in this blog.

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