
February 17, 1982 - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA - Jammys

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Fan Review:

By Vernon L. Gowdy III

Actually the club name was Jammys. I should know since I was the promotions director and thought of the name. I had two other people involved in starting a new club around New Years Eve in 1981. Larry Schaefer of Little Wing (Cains Ballroom in Tulsa) called me and wanted to book U2 at the club for $1500. I said yes and U2 came in the afternoon of Feb 17th and checked out the sound system and our electricity. They need a 220 three phase or something like that so their electrican said he could patch in to the electrical pole in the back of the club.
Anyway the show basically was sold out, packed around 500-600 people, that was the capacity if I remember correctly. Even though I was also a concert photographer I didn't take any photos. I regret this! I have a colpy of JAM Magazine issue (local music publication distributed in Oklahoma and the Dallas Ft. Worth area which has a back page ad that shows a promo photo of U2 promoting the concert date at JAMMYS. The club was short lived 3 months to be exact as one of the partners had problems with handling money so it was sold to a new owner on the 4th month. Sincerely, Vernon L. Gowdy III

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This page contains a single entry by Jonathan published on February 17, 1982 5:56 AM.

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