Opening Act(s): The Nitecaps
The show began at Midnight (technically the 24th, but the evening of the 23rd).
« November 22, 1981 - New York, New York, USA - The Ritz
| October - 2nd Leg - North America |
November 25, 1981 - Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA - Hitsville South »
Opening Act(s): The Nitecaps
The show began at Midnight (technically the 24th, but the evening of the 23rd).
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This page contains a single entry by Jonathan published on November 24, 1981 11:35 PM.
November 22, 1981 - New York, New York, USA - The Ritz was the previous entry in this blog.
November 25, 1981 - Asbury Park, New Jersey, USA - Hitsville South is the next entry in this blog.
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