Opening Act(s): Comsat Angels
Gloria, Rejoice, An Cat Dubh, Into The Heart, I Threw A Brick Through A Window, The Cry, The Electric Co., I Will Follow, 11 O'Clock Tick Tock.
Fan Review:
By Ian James
My first U2 gig. My first gig full stop. Following the suprise appearance at Greenbelt earlier in the year, I had been instantly converted, and this was the consumation. An amazing gig, jam-packed with an enthusiastic audience (felt like 800 in a venue that was better suited to 400).
Can't remember the set-list at all, but remember that it included a great selection from October (Gloria, I Threw A Brick..., Rejoice, ...) and Boy (I Will Follow, An Cat Dubh, ...). 11 O'Clock Tick Tock and Electric Co. were obvious highlights.
One picture remains in my mind. Half-way through the show, a heaving, sweating audience was suddenly treated to Bono launching a bucketful of water over us. Temporarily cooled us down, but the gig was red hot from beginning to end. The start of a long and rewarding relationship - well, for me anyway!
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