Van Diemen's Land

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VAN DIEMANS LAND (from the album "Rattle and Hum") ---------------- chords by: Scott Yanoff, [email protected] Hold me now, oh hold me now G C G C G Till this hour has gone around Em C D And I'm gone on the rising tide Bm Em C For to face Van Diemen's land G D G C G It's a bitter pill I swallow here To be rent from one so dear We fought for justice and not for gain But the magistrate sent me away Now kings will rule and the poor will toil And tear their hands as they tear the soil But a day will come in the dawning age When an honest man sees an honest wage Hold me now, hold me now Till this hour has gone around And I'm gone on the rising tide For to face Van Diemen's land Still the gunman rules and widows pay A scarlet coat now a black beret They thought that blood and sacrifice Could out of death bring forth a life CHORD FORMATIONS: CHORD FORMATIONS: All chords are played in arpeggio (first from low frequency to high frequency and then back). E A D G B E G : 3 2 0 0 x x C : x 3 2 0 1 x Em: x x 2 0 0 0 D : x x 0 2 3 2 Bm: x 2 4 4 3 x

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This page contains a single entry by Jonathan published on April 17, 2009 7:59 AM.

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