Drowning Man

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Drowning Man Remeber to tune down half a step. For the introduction, simply alternate between Em and D like this: Em D Em D Take my hand..... For the remainder of the song, simply alternate between the Em and C chords. William F. Maton [email protected] The tab on drowning man needs a little assistance. The chords are great, but they forgot the harmonics. Edge plays the 1,2,3rd strings(or Harmonic Em Chord) on the fifth fret, then the 2,3,4th strings on the 7th fret(or Harmonic DMaj. Chord), back to the Harmonic Em chord on the 5th fret, to the Harmonic DMaj. Chord on the 7th fret and then finally ends the cycle with the Harmonic Em Chord on the 12th fret(which would be 1,2,3rd strings ion the 12th fret). Now all that needs to happens is for them to be played with the right rythm; but these are the positions. This is the order: -Harmonic Em Chord on the 5th fret -Harmonic DMaj. Chord on the 7th fret -Harmonic Em Chord on the 5th fret -Harmonic DMaj. Chord on the 7th fret -Harmonic Em Chord on the 12th fret Hopefully this is helpful. Eric Barone <--( o) [email protected] From: [email protected] Date: Mon, 5 Feb 1996 19:29:52 -0500 Subject: "Drowning Man" by U2 "Drowning Man" U2 (WAR, 1983) Tune down 1/2 step... (intro: Em D Em D) Take my hand..... the rest of the song involves Em and C chords repeated over and over... Take my hand You know I'll be there If you can I'll cross The sky for your love For I have promised for To be with you tonight And for the time that will come Take my hand You know I'll be there If you can I'll cross The sky for your love And I understand These winds and tides This change of times Won't drag you away Hold on, hold on tightly Hold on and don't let go Of my love The storms will pass It won't be long now The storms will pass But my love lasts forever And take my hand You know I'll be there If you can, I'll cross the sky For your love Give you what I hold dear Hold on, hold on tightly Rise up, rise up with wings Like eagles you'll run, you'll run You'll run and not grow weary Take my hand, take my hand Hold on, hold on tightly Hold on, hold on tightly This love lasts forever This love lasts forever Take my hand Take my hand... send notes, corrections, comments, flames, etc. to: [email protected] BEFORE Feb. 15, 1996 [email protected] AFTER Feb. 15, 1996 adrian

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